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This page lists the tags that the software may mark an edit or logged action with, and their meaning. See Festipedia:Tags.
Administrators are able to perform different actions in respect to tags, including deleting some of them; please refer to the section on tag management in the documentation for indications.

Tag nameAppearance on change listsDescriptionSourceActive?Tagged changes
wikieditor(hidden)Edit made using WikiEditor (2010 wikitext editor)Defined by the softwareYes3,469 changes
visualeditorVisual editEdit made using the visual editorDefined by the softwareYes749 changes
mobile editMobile editFor edits made from a mobile deviceDefined by the softwareYes722 changes
mobile web editMobile web editEdit made from mobile websiteDefined by the softwareYes721 changes
userspace spampossible userspace spamTagged by filter 14 (hist · log).Defined by the softwareYes452 changes
large unwikified new articlelarge unwikified new articleTagged by filter 1 (hist · log).Defined by the softwareYes262 changes
mw-new-redirectNew redirectEdits that create a new redirect or change a page to a redirectDefined by the softwareYes224 changes
mw-revertedRevertedEdits that were later reverted by a different editDefined by the softwareYes110 changes
visualeditor-switchedVisual edit: SwitchedUser started to edit using the visual editor, then changed to the wikitext editor.Defined by the softwareYes105 changes
mw-undoUndoEdits that undo previous edits using the undo linkDefined by the softwareYes101 changes
discussiontools-added-comment(hidden)A talk page comment was added in this editDefined by the softwareYes75 changes
discussiontools(hidden)Edit made using DiscussionToolsDefined by the softwareYes67 changes
mw-replaceReplacedEdits that remove more than 90% of the content of a pageDefined by the softwareYes53 changes
mw-rollbackRollbackEdits that roll back previous edits using the rollback linkDefined by the softwareYes46 changes
discussiontools-source-enhanced(hidden)DiscussionTools was in enhanced source mode with the toolbarDefined by the softwareYes42 changes
discussiontools-source(hidden)DiscussionTools was in source modeDefined by the softwareYes42 changes
discussiontools-replyReplyUser replied to a comment with DiscussionToolsDefined by the softwareYes41 changes
disambiguator-link-addedDisambiguation linksEdits that add links to disambiguation pagesDefined by the softwareYes35 changes
mw-manual-revertManual revertEdits that manually restore the page to an exact previous stateDefined by the softwareYes29 changes
mw-changed-redirect-targetRedirect target changedEdits that change the target of a redirectDefined by the softwareYes29 changes
pagetriagePageTriageFor edits made with the PageTriage extensionDefined by the softwareYes28 changes
discussiontools-newtopicNew topicUser added a new topic to the page with DiscussionToolsDefined by the softwareYes26 changes
discussiontools-visual(hidden)DiscussionTools was in visual modeDefined by the softwareYes25 changes
repeating charactersrepeating charactersThis edit contains a highly repetitive character sequence, like "!!!!!!!" or "hahahahahahaha".
Tagged by filter 2 (hist · log).
No longer in useNo18 changes
mw-blankBlankingEdits that blank a pageDefined by the softwareYes14 changes
wikilovewikiloveEdit made using the WikiLove toolDefined by the softwareYes9 changes
mw-contentmodelchangecontent model changeEdits that change the content model of a pageDefined by the softwareYes9 changes
blankingblankingThis edit blanked a substantial part of the article.
Tagged by filter 3 (hist · log).
Defined by the softwareYes8 changes
categories removedcategories removedThis edit removed all direct categories of the article.
Tagged by filter 9 (hist · log).
Defined by the softwareYes6 changes
advanced mobile editAdvanced mobile editEdit made by user with Advanced modeDefined by the softwareYes4 changes
possible vandalismpossible vandalismThis edit may be vandalism.
Tagged by filter 11 (hist · log).
Defined by the softwareYes3 changes
mw-removed-redirectRemoved redirectEdits that change an existing redirect to a non-redirectDefined by the softwareYes3 changes
nonsense charactersnonsense charactersTagged by filter 12 (hist · log).No longer in useNo2 changes
user page with external linksuser page with external linksNo longer in useNo1 change
mw-server-side-uploadServer-side uploadMedia files that were uploaded via a maintenance scriptDefined by the softwareYes0 changes
NukeNukeDefined by the softwareYes0 changes
bad externalIncorrectly formatted external link or imageTagged by filter 13 (hist · log).Defined by the softwareYes0 changes
shoutingshoutingTagged by filter 7 (hist · log).Defined by the softwareYes0 changes
section blankingsection blankingThis edit blanked an entire section.
Tagged by filter 6 (hist · log).
Defined by the softwareYes0 changes
abusefilter-condition-limitcondition limit reachedEdits or other events that couldn't be checked by all active edit filters (help).Defined by the softwareYes0 changes
discussiontools-editEdited commentUser edited an existing comment with DiscussionToolsDefined by the softwareYes0 changes
massmessage-deliveryMassMessage deliveryMessage delivery using Extension:MassMessageDefined by the softwareYes0 changes
torMade through TorIf this tag is set, an edit was made from a Tor exit node.Defined by the softwareYes0 changes
visualeditor-wikitext2017 wikitext editorEdit made using 2017 wikitext editorDefined by the softwareYes0 changes
editcheck-references(hidden)EditCheck thinks a reference might have been neededDefined by the softwareYes0 changes
editcheck-references-activatedEdit Check (references) activatedEditCheck thinks a reference might have been needed, and the UI was shownDefined by the softwareYes0 changes
editcheck-newcontent(hidden)EditCheck thinks new content was added to the pageDefined by the softwareYes0 changes
editcheck-newreference(hidden)A reference was added to the pageDefined by the softwareYes0 changes
editcheck-reference-decline-common-knowledgeEdit Check (references) declined (common knowledge)EditCheck reference was declined as common knowledgeDefined by the softwareYes0 changes
editcheck-reference-decline-irrelevantEdit Check (references) declined (irrelevant)EditCheck reference was declined as irrelevantDefined by the softwareYes0 changes
editcheck-reference-decline-uncertainEdit Check (references) declined (uncertain)EditCheck reference was declined as being uncertainDefined by the softwareYes0 changes
editcheck-reference-decline-otherEdit Check (references) declined (other)EditCheck reference was declined for an unlisted reasonDefined by the softwareYes0 changes
visualeditor-needcheckVisual edit: CheckEdit made using the visual editor where the system detected the wikitext possibly having unintended changes.Defined by the softwareYes0 changes