
From Festipedia, hosted by the FR Heritage Group


  • Important: When adding this template to an article, state the specific issue that you believe a subject-matter expert needs to address – not "the whole page in general". This may be done using the |reason= parameter and/or on the article's talk page.
  • Unexplained expert tags can be and should be removed by any editor.
  • Realistically, do not expect a response when posting this tag. It is very rare for any subject-matter expert to respond as a result of seeing these tags.

This template flags an article for the attention of an expert or experts in the subject(s) specified. It has the option of being assigned to a specific subcategory of Category:Articles needing expert attention, depending on the topic of the article. These subcategories are named after Projects.

When to use[edit]

Use this tag when you have identified a specific issue that requires help from a subject-matter expert (not a generally knowledgeable Festipedia editor).

If you want help for most of the page, or if you want help soon, then try these much more effective options:

  • Leave a note on the talk page of any relevant Projects.
  • Ask for help at the Festipedia:The Den.

How to use[edit]



  • The first unnamed parameter accepts the name of the Project
  • A second optional unnamed parameter, may be used to override the default "article" text with, for example, "section", "diagram" or "paragraph".
  • ex2ex5: To add additional expert subjects, you can use these parameters to include more names of Projects.
  • talk: If you have started a discussion on the article's talk page, you may link to that discussion with |talk=, using the section title of the discussion.
  • reason: You may use the |reason= parameter to provide a short explanation describing the issue directly within the template, instead of, or in addition to the talk parameter.
  • date: The date of adding the template may be used as the next parameter, in the form of Month Year.


{{Expert-subject|Technology|documentation|talk=Section title goes here|reason=reason goes here|date=Month Year}}

{{Expert-subject|Technology|ex2=Science|ex3=Math|talk=Section title goes here|reason=reason goes here|date=Month Year}}

Follow up[edit]

When using this template, it is recommended to provide an explanation either using the "reason" or the "talk" parameter. If the issue is of some urgency, you may also post a notice at the Project that was included in the template.


  • This template is a self-reference, and should not be substituted.