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Festipedia:Copyright Permissions/FR Co Produced by former employees

From Festipedia, hosted by the FR Heritage Group

This in line with a previous verbal agreement to use as described in the message, specifically "the copyright holder has given me premission to use this work in this wiki (no other terms specified)

TO:Iain Fraser, IT Manager, FR Co.

In a previous email, I have asked for permission to use material created by a former FR company employee, Ian Butters. Given this material was stored on the company computer, and published on the internet under the auspices of the company, it was reasoned that it was created for the company and all copyright therefore belonged to the company. You, Iain Fraser, as current company IT manager , on request from myself, Keith Bradbury, agreed to allow such material to be used only within the FR Heritage group Wiki, as a general promotion of the company, which was the intention when the material was originally created

His reply


I have verified this with the FR Company and accordingly agree to the use of this material in the manner in which you state, the general promotion of the company.

Iain Fraser
IT Manager
Fetiniog & Welsh Highland Railways
Harbour Station

See also

Festipedia:Copyright Festipedia:Copyright Permissions