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Festipedia:Copyright Permissions/House Magazine Material

From Festipedia, hosted by the FR Heritage Group

This page to cover permissions from the any of the physically published house magazines, including

a) FR Magazine - the FR Society magazine
b) FR Heritage Journal - the FR Heritage Group mag
c) The Snowdon Ranger - the WHR Society magazine
d) Welsh Highland Heritage - the WHR Heritage Group mag
e) The Journal - the WHR(P) house magazine

(electronic publications would also come under this but as yet dont exist in a form that requires an entry here)

We have a general unwritten agreement not to use recent material from any of the house magazines. Permission to use any material must first be requested from the current editor, the address of which is usually given on the inside front cover. As a matter of courtesy, if the original author is known, and alive, then contact should be be made with them.

The term "recent" is obviously subjective, and each case must be treated separately.

See also