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Festipedia:Copyright Permissions/J Graham Isherwood

From Festipedia, hosted by the FR Heritage Group

This in line with a previous verbal agreement to use as described in the message, specifically "the copyright holder has given me premission to use this work in this wiki (no other terms specified)

To Graham Isherwood

In a previous email, I, Keith Bradbury, have asked for permission of J. Graham Isherwood to use material created by himself in connection with the FR company and the Dinas area. This material has been in use, duly credited within the FR HG wiki for some time now, and this is to formalise the agreement to use. JGI agress the items provided to the FR Wiki may be used, purely and solely on the Wiki site

Graham's response

No problem with this, therefore:

Joseph Graham Isherwood agrees that the items provided to the FR Wiki may be used, purely and solely on the Wiki site.

Graham Isherwood

See also