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Festipedia:Copyright Permissions/West Sussex County Council

From Festipedia, hosted by the FR Heritage Group

Initially for one photograph, permission was obtained from West Sussex County Council

Ref following:

There was a copyright query relating to the Ronald Shephard photo. which delayed its use. Following a couple of emails, it now appears

manstaruk@aol.com 03/07/2009 21:28

To bill.gage@westsussex.gov.uk  

cc Subject Ronald Shephard Collection archives - image 31257.


With reference to the above picture (http://www2.westsussex.gov.uk/archives/images/31257.jpg).

I assist in the running of an online wiki operated by the Festiniog Railway Heritage Group (http://www.frheritage.org.uk/) which records the history of the railway, and the surrounding area. The wiki is hosted, free of charge, on the website of the Heritage group.

On another online forum recently we had a discussion relating to a carriage whose identity remains a mystery. A page was created within our system to relate to this, and three photos were provided by our own Archivist showing this carriage, and a drawing provided by another contributor.

I have been given the url <http://www2.westsussex.gov.uk/archives/images/31257.jpg> as being a photo of Ronald Shephard, of which you have copyright upon. I couldn't find it on the search engine, so am unable to provide a reference number other than this link. I would like to add this photo to the selection used on the page we have at http://www.frheritage.org.uk/wiki/Carriage_Mystery.

thanks Keith C. Bradbury

Response: From: Bill.Gage@westsussex.gov.uk To: manstaruk@aol.com Date:Tue, 28 Jul 2009 11:57

Dear Mr Bradbury,

I have no objection to this photograph being added to your website on the condition that it is credited to" West Sussex Record Office - Ronald Shephard Collection"

Regards, Bill Gage

Assistant County Archivist Bill Gage | Assistant County Archivist, West Sussex Record Office , West Sussex County Council | Location: West Sussex Record Office, County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RN Internal: 53606 | External: +44 (0) 1243 753606 | E-mail: bill.gage@westsussex.gov.uk