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Under UK law (which is more fully explained below), all works are copyright unless the copyright holder has placed them in the public domain. In some circumstances, usage of a small portion of a copyright work may be acceptable as "fair use". Alternatively, you may be able to get permission from the copyright holder to use their material under the terms of the GFDL. In either case, you must record this along with names and dates.

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There is no test of artistic merit, so "literary work" includes instruction manuals, computer programs and databases, whilst "artistic work" includes technical drawings, photographs, maps, etc.

As stated above, copyright covers the expression of an idea, not the idea itself. If you write a novel, it is open to other authors to produce their own novel using the same plot as long as they do not copy your words. Similarly, names and titles are not protected by copyright. Material you find on the internet is protected by copyright. Note that any work which is copyright in the country in which it was produced is automatically copyright in the UK as well under the Berne convention.

You cannot breach copyright by accident. If someone independently produces a novel which is word for word identical to yours, they have not breached your copyright. Of course, it is highly unlikely that this would ever happen. It would therefore be assumed that the other author had copied your work unless they could prove otherwise.


Note that copyright exists automatically in the UK. You do not have to register your work in order for it to be protected by copyright, nor do you have to display the copyright symbol or any other notice.

Who owns copyright

In most cases, copyright in a work initially belongs to the author. However, if they produced the work in the course of their employment, copyright will normally belong to their employer. The "authors" of a film are the producer and principle director. The "author" of a sound recording is the record producer, broadcaster or publisher.

Ownership of copyright can be transferred, e.g. by sale or inheritance.

How long does copyright last

How long a copyright work is protected depends on the type of work. If the work was created outside the UK and the European Economic Area (the EU plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein), it may be protected for a shorter time depending on the law in the country of creation.

In general terms:

  • For literary, dramatic, artistic or musical works, copyright expires 70 years from the end of the year in which the author died. If there were several authors, it expires 70 years from the end of the year in which the last surviving author died.
  • Different terms apply for sound recordings, films, and broadcasts. These are not detailed here.
  • For published editions (where the typographical arrangement is protected), copyright expires 25 years from the end of the year in which the edition was published.
  • For photographs, it depends when the photograph was taken:
    • Copyright has expired for any photograph taken before 1st January 1945 unless it was protected in another EEA state on 1st July 1995. Most photographs will not be specifically protected in other EEA states.
    • For photographs taken after 1st January 1945, protection expires 70 years from the end of the year in which the author (usually the photographer) dies. If the authorship of the photograph is unknown, copyright expires 70 years from the end of the year in which it was taken unless the photograph is made available to the public during that time, in which case copyright expires 70 years from the end of the year in which it was made public.
    • In some circumstances, a longer term could apply to photographs taken before 1st January 1996.
  • For works subject to Crown Copyright, copyright expires 50 years from the end of the year in which the work was first published.

Fair use

The UK law on fair use is very different from the US law. Do not rely on statements in Wikipedia concerning fair use. In the UK, limited use of copyright works may be possible for a number of purposes, including non-commercial research and private study, criticism or review and reporting current events.

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