
From Festipedia, hosted by the FR Heritage Group

You can use this form to block editing access and account creation from individual accounts or IP addresses.

Please remember to include an informative reason for blocking. When using the pull-down menu, please also elaborate on the following line whenever helpful. Keep in mind that the block message will be very visible when someone tries to edit Festipedia through the blocked account or IP.

Related pages: Block log, List of active blocks, Unblock form.

IP addresses

  • In general: Most IP addresses should not be blocked for more than a few days, as they may be reassigned to innocent users. Only in rare cases should IPs be blocked indefinitely.
  • Shared IPs: Before blocking an IP address with a long history of vandalism, please check if it is a shared proxy server or part of a dynamic IP address pool. When blocking, please ensure that Prevent logged-in users from editing from this IP address is unchecked to limit collateral damage to innocent users.