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Morris Jones (1831)

From Festipedia, hosted by the FR Heritage Group

Morris Jones (b.1831 Tremadoc) was a platelayer in 1891 & 1901 (Portmadoc) having earlier been a farm labourer. However, there does not seem to be any evidence that he actualled worked for the FR.

Census Entry for 1891[edit]

For the full name of: Morris Jones
An entry has been found for this person at Portmadoc
where the age is recorded as: 60
where the year of birth is recorded as: 1831, in Tremadoc
The occupation given is: Platelayer
and the FR/WHR connection is verified

In 1891 he was living at 10,East Ave. Portmadoc

== Census Entry for 1901 ==

For the full name of: Morris Jones
An entry has been found for this person at Portmadoc
where the age is recorded as: 70
where the year of birth is recorded as: 1831, in Tremadoc
The occupation given is: Platelayer
and the FR/WHR connection is verified

In 1901 he was living at 10,East Ave. Portmadoc

Census Entry for 1911[edit]

For the full name of: Morris Jones
An entry has been found for this person at Portmadoc
where the age is recorded as: 80
where the year of birth is recorded as: 1831, in Tremadoc
The occupation given is: Retired Platelayer
and the FR/WHR connection is verified

In 1911 he was living at 65 Chapel St Portmadoc,

See also[edit]