Porthmadog Signalling Schemes
As part of the rebuilding of Harbour Station in 1879/1880 contracts were sought for a fully interlocked signalbox. At the Directors meeting of 19/8/1879 an offer from Mr. Breese for the site of the new signalbox at a rent of 10/ per year was considered, and the Directors resolved to meet with Mr. Breese to discuss renting the land from the Tremadoc Estate at 10/ per annum. At least two separate signalling schemes were produced and are now in the Archives, though in practice the 1864 signalling scheme was adapted with more indicator discs. This had gone by 1926 and was replaced by a groundframe (Boyd 1975 pages 393). Boyd does not specify if the signal box contained a lever frame; if either of the schemes had been adopted then there would have been a frame in the signal box, but "Spooner Pragmatism" prevailed and the existing bothy was adapted. The lever frame (such as it was) was outside the bothy [more details in Portmadoc Signalling page, to be written.].