September 2004
The White Rose / Soft Southern Ponce / Midlands Heavy Haul combined group would like to offer their regrets to those attempting to map the railway lines in Blaenau – 'cos we just changed them.
Glanypwll 6-road (the 1899 Rhiwbrithdir deviation) is now double track again. The existing track was skewed over towards the Conwy Valley line, and new rails and sleepers put in to the existing spacings, all ready for the Paid Staff Gang to screw down. There is a kit of point bits (some assembly required – instructions in Swedish) that needs doing and after that you have GyP loop.
It p!$$ed it down for most of Saturday, so no pictures of the actual slew. Just imagine lots of people in orange with crowbars attacking the 600 mm equivalent of Peco crazy track. It slid accross quite easily in places and was a b*gger in others. Sunday was lovely weather for adding sleepers and rails.
As part of this we had to rebuild a bit of dry stone wall. Unfortunatly all the dry stone was on the other side of the Barlywd, and most of it was wet because of the rain, so we used some old reinforced concrete beams. Job done.
Saturday was also autumn cleaning day in Penrhyn hostel. The old cabinets have gone out, newer ones have gone in with bound copies of old magazine volumes in there. We also found the Penrhyn log book. Highlights were an entry saying "Paul L. was here" and someone giving their name as "Linda", living in "Loston Bodge, Googshire".
If you haven't tried the Breast in Spooner's, do so. Slap and I sampled a nice pair of Breasts on Saturday night and very tasty they were too.
Oh, and despite not working "on or near the line" for Network Rail (we stayed on the FfR side of the fence), the Conwy Valley Bubblecar helpfully gave a warning toot. So I gave him the YMCA back.
Paul, Val and Millie said hello as we passed on the last down towards the pub. Slap is annoyed Millie has more hair than him.
The cherrypicker is almost finished and looks the dog's bo!!ocks. Andy Putnam could always do with a few days' help at GyP if you want to see it. Education guaranteed, no stay in GyP hostel required. Oh, and the two Hunslets in GyP are looking gorgeous as ever. You will be pleased to know the green one from Bedrock Railroad Inc. is safely undercover.
That's it really. Penrhyn hostel is still a lovely place to stay, and there is still track work needing doing, so why not give Fredtrack a ring or email. Details on the Ffestiniog volunteer page.
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