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Talk:Brine tank waggon

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Latest comment: 9 years ago by George Cash

Is This actually ex NWNG as the axleboxes are not normal FR ones...

No. It IS definitely an FR waggon. Given time I could provide chapter & verse from 19thC stocklists to prove its existence from before FR & WHR linked. The axleboxes are, in fact, similar to others we have in stock that came from wooden stock, particularly vans, scrapped in the late 1950s.

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What about the tank wagon in ibase 898? It was photographed by Wheeller in 1935 behind the old loco shed, between a van and the dented tender, in front of the Mystery Carriage and the WD crane. It was prominently lettered 'F. Rly' and had a rectangular tank which was mounted on what might originally have been an early flat wagon with inside bearings and wooden brake blocks, possibly and early gangers' trolley. What might this have been used for? Could it be a replacement for the one that went to PC? Does anyone know when they stopped having sea baths at the Plas?

George Cash (talk) 01:44, 5 December 2015 (UTC)Reply