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Talk:FR EGroup

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From Festipedia, hosted by the FR Heritage Group
Latest comment: 16 years ago by Ben Fisher

Suggest a change of title for this page and the WHR equivalent, to "Yahoo! Group" instead of "EGroup". The host egroups.com which the FR one originally used was absorbed by Yahoo! in 2000. This predates the creation of the WHR one, which was never an egroup. There is also an ambiguity problem with that one - possible confusion with an internal WHR Ltd Yahoo! group. Ben Fisher (talk) 23:39, 29 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

I used the term "E-group" as a generic title as most people know it as the "e-group", as well as a more specific "Yahoo" (just like some don't like mentioning an auction site, or a pix site!). As for refs to the WHR-Members group, if the link is made to that group, then so be it - access is restricted to people who are members (same with the others). Most of the time, the full text is shown here any way. --Keith (talk) 2009-3-30T08:39:34 (UTC)