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Talk:N S Wales

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Latest comment: 2 years ago by FarleyBrook in topic Vine Word Puzzle (VWP)


Since the author of this page has lived and still lives in N S Wales, albeit in the one in the Antipodes, and is interested in railways and other reasonably things pleased to be able to use -pedias like Wikipedia and Festipedia.

"Reasonaby Complicarted" means that something is no longer "fit for purpose" because some parameter is exceeded and unexpected work around is needed possibly with extra cost and delay. The introduction of steam power was delayed for decades because engineers and others had convinced themselves steam power couldn't be done. But Little Wonder, Prince and FR Locomotives showed that it could indeed be done.

FarleyBrook likes the Wikipedia system, but has not the skill to run one on his own; fortunately Festipedia already exists and fits the bill. The only problem is Copyright; FarleyBrook would like certain pages that he may write remain copyrightable and even confidential. ----FarleyBrook (talk) 22:33, 21 July 2022 (UTC)Reply

(^2022-07-22^08:56AEST +10:00AEST GMT UTC) What are the first four steam locomotives? Little Wonder, Prince ... ... Q: Why prince and not Queen? A: Principally because Wales is "ruled" by the Prince of Wales who is also hier to English throne. ----FarleyBrook (talk) 23:17, 21 July 2022 (UTC) Q: Are the words "Prince" and Principally connected in any way? A: Answer yet to be written (YTBW). Q: How might you connect Write and Right? A: YTBW. Q: How might you connect Principal and Principle? ----FarleyBrook (talk) 23:17, 21 July 2022 (UTC)Reply

National Hansard 2022-07-23[edit]

This is an example of National Hansard wherein you try to tie together related nodes as many times as possible in thee limited time available. There are easy/simple links and hard/difficult/challenging links for you to find. If you identify spelling or formattin errors then that goes toward your score. ----FarleyBrook (talk) 05:22, 23 July 2022 (UTC)Reply

Vine Word Puzzle[edit]

This is updated crossword puzzle has its

questions and answers are mixed up
and part of the solution are drawn as a tangle of vines
The name can also be written as PV whose abbreviation relates to
: Promotion of Virtue
: Prevention of Vice
: Protection of Virginity
: Preservation of Value
: Puzzle Vine
: Pulling of Vehicles (could be a train)

(2022-07-26^13:24AEST +10:00 GMT UTC)

: :



2022-07-26^13:24AEST +10:00 GMT UTC
(AEST Australian Eastern Standard Time +10:00) Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Hobart
(AEDT Australian Eastern Daylight Time +11:00)
(AEST Australian Central Standard Time +10:30) Adelaide
(AEST Australian Western Standard Time +12:00) Perth
(GMT Greenwich Mean Time +00:00 UTC)
(UTC Universal Time Co-ordinated +00:00 GMT)
(YYYY Year 0001-9999)
(MM Month 01-12)
(DD Day 01-28,39,30,31)
(HH Hour 00-23)
(NN miNute 00-59)
(SS Second 00-59)

Calendar Song[edit]

Thirty Days has September
(09), April (04), June (06) and November (11)
All the rest have 31
Save February (02) with 28 when short
And on almost 1 in 4 days tis caught
With 29 days long
As in this little song

See also[edit]

Vine Word Puzzle (VWP)[edit]

Irrevocably released contributions under the GFDL.
----FarleyBrook (talk) 10:47, 26 July 2022 (UTC)Reply
(talk) 10:33, 26 July 2022 (UTC)Reply
(talk) 01:51, 24 July 2022 (UTC)Reply
(talk) 19:57, 23 July 2022 (UTC)Reply
(talk) 09:22, 23 July 2022 (UTC)Reply
(talk) 05:22, 23 July 2022 (UTC)Reply
(talk) 04:15, 23 July 2022 (UTC)Reply
(talk) 06:58, 22 July 2022 (UTC)Reply
Last Line
A-AZ B-Name[1] C-Parent D-Meaning E-Gen-
F-Language G-Job H-Remarks
AA Abdulla slave of God /M Arabic
AB Lincoln freer of slaves /M
AC Abraham patriarch of three religions /M
AE Parbati beautiful Nepal
AF Paul Biblical Meaning /M
AG Jonathon /M
AH Nicole /u/
AI Parsonson The Parson's son neighbour
AJ O'Dea /u/ /M
AM Fletcher Arrowmaker
AN Hanson Surname MF
AQ Thompson Tom Tom's son /M English
AR Prince Festiniog
Welsh gauge 1' 11.5"
AS Princess Festiniog
Welsh gauge 0597mm narrow
AU child 1 Sibling A /u/ Telephone
Directory A-K :-) TM
AV child 2 Sibling K /u/ White Pages A-K :-) TM
AW child 3 Sibling L /u/ Telephone
Directory L-Z :-) TM
AX child 4 Sibling Z /u/ White Pages L-Z :-) TM
AY Flint /u/ AUS-SA Boothby MHR MP retired
AZ Davidson David's Son /u/ AUS-NSW Electoral Division
BA Benelong AUS-NSW Electoral Division
BB Bradfield Great Engineer /M AUS-NSW Electoral Division
BC Ku-ring-gai 1st Nation tribe FM AUS-NSW Electoral Division
BF Fiona F/
BG BUG in software Optus.Webmail // Times out without saving

"Save as Draft" button doesn't always work.
Rejects big files when emailing
but does not say how big a file can be
Does not seem to have a obvious "Contact Us" button to report bugs
What does it take to get Optus to fix these problems?

BH Insook clean, wise F/ Korean
BI Flint /u/
BJ Davidson State Governor
Returning Officer
BK Santos Saint MF Spanish, Portuguese Oil Company
BL Saugal Gift /M Duplicate
BM Saru F/ Nepal
BN Nipa Friendly F/ Bangladesh .bg
BP BP British Petrolium English Oil Company
BP BP Benzine Persia Iran joke
Persian joke c1940
Oil Company
BQ Sweta Whiteness F/ Nepal, India
BR Kirsten F/ Cook
BS Lesley n/a F/
BT Leslie /M
BU Anthony /M English
BV Marushi Giri F/ Nepal
BW Sujata Good ???? F/ Nepal
BX Sharon F/
BY Elliott //
BZ Ampol /u/ Australia Oil Company
CA Namrata Politeness F/ Nepal
CB Saugal Gift /M
CC Kukla Doll FM Polish
CD Jane F/ English
CE Goodall All Good F/ English Chimp lady
Jane Goodall
lifelong job
CF Nasrin flower F/ Bangladesh headscarf flowers grow into seeds
which are ground into flour
which is baked into bread
to feed the people
CG Standard Gauge Rail 61% of globe // gauge 1435mm
CG Standard Gauge Broad Sara & Dara FM gauge 0290mm ???? Fact Check
CG Thin Standard Doll Barbie & Ken F/ gauge 0292mm
CH flower flower F/ English flowers grow into seeds
which are ground into flour
which is baked into bread
which is a staple food
fed to many people.
CH Flour not to be confused with flower English
CI /u/ Tiger /u/ FM Ceylon has tigers not lions;
now called Sri Lanka
CJ Palmerston town in UK /M English
CJ Festiniog Standard gauge 0597mm
CK Bruce /M Scottish
CL Sara Doll F/ Iranian
CM Dara Doll /M Iranian
CN Saru F/
CO Leo Lion /u/ /M Latin
CP Prabina Clever F/ Nepalese
CQ Prabin Cleaver /M Nepalese a kind of knife
CR Barbie Doll F/ America
CS Ken Doll /M America
Estonia now Baltic tiger /M Finland is Fatherland
flag Blue Black White
CU Serendipity unexpected good
/u/ Sri Lanka
CW Aserendipity foreseeable bad
/u/ Sri Lanka crisis of 2022
if not a catastrophe
by greed, corruption, stupidity
CX Elizabeth Biblical F/ Austria Empress thereof
CY Sissy petname Elizabeth Film F/ Australia
CZ Sissy rotten boy's name /M English
DA Bell used as Warning System F/ by Fistuleers to warn other citizens
of their unhealthy approach
Fistula Plumbing problem in young girls F/ English may leak piss, pus and poo
worse than biblical leprosy
partly man-made causes
marriage too young when still
too small a birth canal
DF Alzheimers a disease of the nerves // English causes shaking and loss of balance
amongst other things
DM Dementia a disease of the brain // English causes memory loss
amongst other things
IMHO a success against covid-19
DN National Cabinet cross-party to deal
with crisis
// //
DO National Question Time all party federal, all state and territory question time
DP National Hansard combined record of National Debates and QT
DQ Mentioned in
Depatches (Military)
Awarded should you make a significant act
for the war effort
DR Mentioned in
Depatches (Civil)
Awarded should you make a significant act
for the Hansard effort
DT Dina Duck F/ the Duck DT
DV Prevention of Vice DV
DW Peoples Vanguard DW
DX Protection of Value DX
DY Promotion of Virtue DY
DZ Punish Vanity DZ
EA Aisa F/ Phillipines
SE State Emergency Service yy FB
FB Focus Vindicated yu
PV SES Phocus Vindicated we PV - FB Fire & Rescue Brigade formerly Fire Brigade FB
FB Fire Brigade FB
FB Promotion of Virtue
FB Protection from Vice ui FB - TK Talk:N S Wales General Knowledge Quiz
with a few Festiniog Q & A
TU Vengence TU
TW Onchhuna Sun Rise in east TW
VM Vimeo Music player VM
YE Yee brave justice Cantonese
XY Yaqueline Peru XY
FB FarleyBrook PenName XY
ZZ22 // ZZ22
  1. ^ Where a name is used with the definite article (”the”), putting that last seems the only way to make the table sortable by the name proper.