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This template should be used on the following (Note that the specific criteria of concern has to be stated in the edit summary when using this template):

  1. Pages containing non-free content for which, to serve the purposes of that specific page, equivalent free content is available or could be created.
  2. Pages containing non-free content that is not necessary (or is more than is necessary) to significantly increase the reader's understanding of the page's topic.
  3. Pages containing non-free, non-Festimedia-owned content in locations where non-free content is not permitted, such as user pages or templates.
  4. Pages containing non-free content with no rationale for its use on that specific page.
  5. Do not place this tag on pages with excessive or inappropriately used free images.

See also[edit]

  • Template:Copypaste - for articles or sections that appear to be 'copy-pasted' from another source. Please do not use this template if you have strong reason to believe that the material is a copyright infringement, as it does not remove text that may be published unlawfully.