This batch file has been developed to test and store the response in the web for the wiki server
Copy the information in the box below into notepad and save it as "c:\<zzz>\xxxxxxxx.bat" where the "xxxxxxxx" is something you will remember. You will need to replace the "<zzz>" with whatever directory you want to use - remember to replace it 5 times though.
It can be run a number of times, each time the output adds to the end of the previous run.
Replace with whatever site your checking
To run file go into explorer and double click on the file named above.
To see output, go into explorer again, and double click on the c:\<zzz>\a1b2c3d4.txt entry
echo off title Tracing Wiki Web route for test purposes echo Press enter to log the current date ver >>c:\<zzz>\a1b2c3d4.txt date >>c:\<zzz>\a1b2c3d4.txt echo Press enter to log the current time echo you may then have to wait upto 1 minute for the data to collect echo a message will be displayed on completion. time >>c:\<zzz>\a1b2c3d4.txt tracert >>c:\<zzz>\a1b2c3d4.txt echo The output file can be found at c:\<zzz>\a1b2c3d4.txt echo press enter to finish this batch file pause exit