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From Festipedia, hosted by the FR Heritage Group
No Name Terry Corner's ID Operational Description Listing Status History, Character and Significance Current Use Current Condition Urgent Repairs Required Other Repairs Required Wish List for Improvements
50 Minffordd Weigh House MY002 [Blank on Buildings Register] July 2015: used by Commercial Department as a store July 2015: used by Commercial Department as a store [Blank on Buildings Register] The Old Weigh House July 2015: used by Commercial Department as a store Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed
52 Polytunnel for S&T trains MY004 Yes Aug 2015: used by S&T for loading works trains undercover. Photos below show position in Minffordd Yard 3rd Aug 2015 [Blank on Buildings Register] Polytunnel purchased and originally positioned in 201? (tbc) Aug 2015: used by S&T Department for loading their works trains undercover (tbc) Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed
53a Infrastructure Department Office - Yes Aug 2015: Infrastructure Department Offices and ancillary facilities including a meeting room, toilets and a small kitchen None History of building tbc.

A 'Portacabin-type' semi-permanent building erected in 20??, currently in constant use during the working week and during some weekends, by staff of the Infrastructure Department and other railway personnel. A versatile and essential facility for the operation of Minffordd Yard in particular and the railway in general.

Aug 2015: Infrastructure Department offices and ancillary facilities Appears to in good decorative order but will be confirmed by internal survey Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed
57 Minffordd Goods Shed MY009 Goods shed P.W. loco & store July 2015: Heritage goods shed now used by Infrastructure Department for under cover storage of their locomotive and other Infrastructure Department materials and equipment [Blank on Buildings Register] Original Minffordd Exchange sidings Goods Shed. High heritage status July 2015: used by Infrastructure Department for under cover storage of their locomotive and other Infrastructure Department materials and equipment Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed
59 Minffordd Nissan Hut PW Store MY011 Nissan hut PW store July 2015: Utilitarian Nissan hut used by Infrastructure Department for under cover storage of materials and equipment [Blank on Buildings Register] To be confirmed/inserted July 2015: used by Infrastructure Department for under cover storage of materials and equipment storage equipment (assumed - tbc) Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed
69 Maenofferen Shed Heritage Store MY021 Maenofferen Shed Heritage store July 2015: Historic Heritage building used for storing sundry heritage rolling stock and other items: carriages, wagons and railway artifacts [Blank on Buildings Register] Original Maenofferen storage shed for storing slates brough down by the railway from (to be inserted). High heritage status To be confirmed/inserted July 2015: Historic Heritage building used for storing sundry heritage rolling stock and other items Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed
78a Minffordd Breeze Block Built Store - Minffordd Breeze Block Built Store July 2015: New utilitarian store building erected circa 2013. (to be confirmed) [Blank on Buildings Register] New store building erected circa 2013 for storage of Estates' Department materials and equipment. (to be confirmed/inserted). New store building erected circa 2013 for storage of Estates' Department materials and equipment. (to be confirmed/inserted) Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed
83 Portable Building Mess Room MY035 Portable Building Mess Room July 2015: Portable building used as mess room by (to be confirmed) [Blank on Buildings Register] To be confirmed/inserted July 2015: used by as Mess room by (to be confirmed) Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed
84 Minffordd Brick Built Store MY036 Minffordd Brick Built Store July 2015: Brick built store used as a paint store None Note on Sep 2013 edition of Building Register:'Thermit Welding.' Pre Thermit Welding use, to be confirmed/inserted July 2015: used by as a paint store by the Infrastucture Department (to be confirmed) Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed
84b Bobby's Box - July 2015: empty but appears usable Replica of Signalman's Hut at Harbour Station moved to Minfford Yard 2014 [Not on Asset Buildings Revised EEC June 15] Bobby's Box July 2015: empty but appears usable Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed

Infrastructure Department Office
Location Minffordd Yard A 'Portacabin-type' semi-permanent building erected in 20?? at the west end of the yard.
Register No 85a
T. Corner ID None
Operational Yes
Heritage Status None
Historical significance Purchased and first located in 201? to provide office and ancillary facilities for staff of the railway's Infrastructure Department (to be confirmed)
Cadw Blg ID Not listed
Description External & Internal - A 'portacabin-type' semi-permanent building purchased from, and erected by, (to be inserted) in 201?.
Present use July 2015: used as undercover storage portable undercover store for loading and unloading S&T trains.
Previous use Unknown
Condition A survey of its current condition is required.
Recent works Unknown (details to be inserted).
  1. Roof: Heavy-duty polythene sheet fixed to semi-circular (aluminium?) frames.
  2. Walls:
  3. Door and Windows: none
  4. Walls: See above.
  5. Reinstatements: Await full survey.
  6. Gutters: None.
Urgent and Immediate Repairs required Assumed none but await full survey.
Less urgent repairs Await survey
Improvements needed Assumed none (to be confirmed).
Potential alternative uses August 2015: unlikely