
From Festipedia, hosted by the FR Heritage Group


  • {{#invoke:ImageStackPopup|image}}
  • {{#invoke:ImageStackPopup|gallery}}

Create an image that has a play button which popups a viewer showing a slideshow of some other images. Intended for use in viewing a series of medical images. See {{ImageStackPopup}} and {{ImageStackPopupGallery}} for more details.

This Module is a template gadget that requires the ImageStackPopup gadget to work. Follow the installation instructions to get it working in your wiki.


To install this template in your wiki:

  1. Copy the pages Module:ImageStackPopup, Template:ImageStackPopup and Template:ImageStackPopupGallery to your wiki.
  2. Create MediaWiki:Gadget-ImageStackPopup.js with the following code:
     * ImageStackPopup: Creates a popup gallery viewer suitable for medical images
     * Documentation:
     * Source code:
    mw.loader.load( '//' );
  3. Add the following gadget to MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition:

Done! Add your template to any page to verify that the installation was successful.