FR Station Masters

From Festipedia, hosted by the FR Heritage Group

This list of FR Station Masters is not complete or guaranteed to be fully correct. Names which are followed by a question mark are those where the tenure is not sure but extrapolated from known data. Most of this information comes from census records 1871- 1911 or Fr Archives.

In 1865 & 1867 Thomas Lloyd Prichard was Chief Station Master.

It would appear that Dduallt was a very umpopular location with a rapid turn-over of staff.

It is not thought that the GWR platform had its own Station Master

NOTE: * Henry Thomas Cooke appears in the 1881 census as Henry Thomas. This is believed to be a mistake by the person taking the census. He also appears to have been known as Henry Cooke on pays lists and H.T. Cooke in correspondance. The pay lists show also a H.T. Cooke who is of lower status. This person may well be an error for Thomas Henry Cooke, son of Henry Thomas Cooke. There is as yet no clear answer.

Names in italics may not actually be full Station Masters

Most dates given in table are approximate and may extend either side of those given.

Page still under construction

FR Station Masters 1865 - 1939
Portmadoc Minffordd Penrhyn Hafod y Llyn / Tan y Bwlch Dduallt Tanygrisiau Dinas LNWR(FR) Duffws
1865 Thomas Lloyd Prichard Not open Griffith Jones Robert Richards Not manned Not open John Lloyd Not open Edward Vale Bilby
1866 Thomas Lloyd Prichard Not open Griffith Jones Robert Richards Not manned Robert P. Williams Edward Vale Bilby/ Robert J. Usher Not open Edward Vale Bilby
1867 John William Wheeler Not open Griffith Jones Robert Richards Not manned Robert P. Williams Robert J. Usher Not open Edward Vale Bilby
1868 John William Wheeler Not open Henry Owen Robert Richards Not manned Robert P. Williams Robert J. Usher Not open Edward Vale Bilby
1869 John William Wheeler Not open Henry Owen Robert Richards Not manned Robert P. Williams/H.J. Hughes? Robert J. Usher Not open Edward Vale Bilby
1870 John William Wheeler Not open Henry Owen HyL not known Robert Griffith Lloyd Not known Robert J. Usher Not open Edward Vale Bilby
1871 John William Wheeler Not open Henry Owen Edward Vale Bilby?/Joseph Hughes Robert Griffith Lloyd John S Fraser? Robert J. Usher Not open Edward Vale Bilby/John S Fraser
1872 John William Wheeler Not open / Henry Besant Henry Owen Joseph Hughes(TyB) probably not manned Henry Besant / J.E.Humphreys Robert J. Usher/Henry Thomas Cooke Not open John S Fraser
1873 John William Wheeler Henry Besant / not known Henry Owen Joseph Hughes? probably not manned J.E.Humphreys Henry Thomas Cooke? Not open John S Fraser
1874 John William Wheeler not known Henry Owen Joseph Hughes? probably not manned Not known Henry Thomas Cooke Not open John S Fraser /William Yoxall
1875 John William Wheeler not known Henry Owen Joseph Hughes? probably not manned Not known Henry Thomas Cooke Not open Not known
1876 John William Wheeler Thomas Manley Henry Owen Joseph Hughes? probably not manned not known Henry Thomas Cooke Not open John S Fraser
1877 John William Wheeler Thomas Manley Henry Owen Joseph Hughes? probably not manned J.E. Humphreys? Henry Thomas Cooke/John S Fraser?Fraser sacked in August 1877 from Board minutes Not open not known/Henry Thomas Cooke
1878 John William Wheeler Thomas Manley? Henry Owen Joseph Hughes? probably not manned W. Williams not known Not open Henry Thomas Cooke
1879 John William Wheeler Thomas Manley? Henry Owen Joseph Hughes? probably not manned W. Williams not known Not open Henry Thomas Cooke
1880 John William Wheeler Thomas Manley Henry Owen Joseph Hughes probably not manned W. Williams Evan Jones NOT a Station Master Not open Henry Thomas Cooke
1881 John William Wheeler Thomas Manley Henry Owen Joseph Hughes probably not manned W. Williams Evan Jones NOT a Station Master Not known Henry Thomas Cooke*
1882 Not known Thomas Manley? Henry Owen Not known probably not manned W. Williams Evan Jones Not known Henry Thomas Cooke
1883 Not known Thomas Manley? Henry Owen not known William Thomas Edwards W. Williams Evan Jones Not known Henry Thomas Cooke
1884 Not known Thomas Manley? Henry Owen not known probably William Thomas Edwards Not Known Evan Jones Not known Henry Thomas Cooke
1885 Not known Thomas Manley? Henry Owen not known probably William Thomas Edwards Not Known Evan Jones Not known Henry Thomas Cooke
1886 Not known Thomas Manley? Henry Owen not known probably William Thomas Edwards not known Evan Jones Not known Henry Thomas Cooke
1887 Not known Thomas Manley? Henry Owen Hugh Jones William Thomas Edwards not known Evan Jones Not known Henry Thomas Cooke
1888 Not known Thomas Manley? Henry Owen not known Not Known Not Known Evan Jones Not known Henry Thomas Cooke
1889 Not known Thomas Manley? Henry Owen not known Not Known Not Known Evan Jones Not known Henry Thomas Cooke
1890 William Yoxall / David Owen Thomas Manley Henry Owen William Thomas Edwards? probably not manned William Owen Evan Jones Thomas Jones? Henry Thomas Cooke
1891 David Owen William Yoxall Henry Owen Possibly Sydney Crick probably not manned William Owen Evan Jones Thomas Jones? Henry Thomas Cooke
1892 David Owen William Yoxall Henry Owen Not known probably not manned William Owen Evan Jones (dismissed) Thomas Jones Henry Thomas Cooke (dismissed)
1893 David Owen William Yoxall Henry Owen R. Davies probably not manned William Owen R.H. Williams (NOT a S/M) Thomas Jones John P Roberts
1894 David Owen William Yoxall not known not known probably not manned William Owen R.H. Williams (NOT a S/M) Thomas Jones John P Roberts
1895 David Owen William Yoxall not known not known probably not manned William Owen R.H. Williams (NOT a S/M) Thomas Jones John P Roberts
1896 David Owen William Yoxall R. Davies William Parkins (NOT a S/M) W.O. Williams (NOT a S/M) William Owen R.H. Williams (NOT a S/M) Thomas Jones John P Roberts
1897 David Owen William Yoxall not known not known probably not manned William Owen R.H. Williams (NOT a S/M) Thomas Jones John P Roberts
1898 David Owen William Yoxall not known Robert Ellis Roberts? / William Parkins H. G. Griffiths William Owen R.H. Williams (NOT a S/M) Thomas Jones John P Roberts
1899 David Owen William Yoxall George Henry Yoxall William Parkins H. G. Griffiths William Owen R.H. Williams (NOT a S/M) Thomas Jones John P Roberts
1900 David Owen William Yoxall George Henry Yoxall William Parkins H. G. Griffiths William Owen R.H. Williams (NOT a S/M) Thomas Jones John P Roberts
1901 David Owen William Yoxall George Henry Yoxall William Parkins / H. G. Griffiths R.H. Williams / Henry Ellis Parry-Jones William Owen Not manned Thomas Jones John P Roberts
1902 David Owen William Yoxall not known H. G. Griffiths Not Known William Owen Not manned Thomas Jones John P Roberts
1903 David Owen William Yoxall not known H. G. Griffiths Not known William Owen Not manned Thomas Jones John P Roberts
1904 David Owen William Yoxall John Watkin Roberts H. G. Griffiths John Watkin Roberts / G. Hughes / Henry Ellis Jones William Owen Not manned Thomas Jones John P Roberts
1905 David Owen William Yoxall Henry Ellis Jones H. G. Griffiths G.P. Williams William Owen Not manned Thomas Jones John P Roberts
1906 David Owen William Yoxall Henry Ellis Jones H. G. Griffiths / Thomas Jones G.P. Williams William Owen Not manned Thomas Jones/ H. G. Griffiths John P Roberts
1907 David Owen William Yoxall Henry Ellis Jones Thomas Jones not known William Owen Not manned H. G. Griffiths John P Roberts
1908 David Owen William Yoxall Henry Ellis Jones Not known Owen David Morgan William Owen Not manned H. G. Griffiths John P Roberts
1909 David Owen/Henry Ellis Jones William Yoxall Henry Ellis Jones Owen David Morgan H. G. Griffiths Not known Not manned H. G. Griffiths John P Roberts
1910 Henry Ellis Jones William Yoxall Henry Ellis Jones / George Henry Yoxall Owen David Morgan Not known Not known Not manned H. G. Griffiths D.Owen (maybe not in charge)
1911 Henry Ellis Jones William Parkins George Henry Yoxall Owen David Morgan William Evans Thomas Morris Not manned H. G. Griffiths H. G. Griffiths
1912 Henry Ellis Jones William Parkins George Henry Yoxall / Thomas L Piercy Owen David Morgan / George Henry Yoxall William Evans/unmanned after September Thomas Morris Not manned W.J. Evans (clerk) / Griffith William Pugh H. G. Griffiths
1913 Henry Ellis Jones William Parkins Thomas L Piercy George Henry Yoxall unmanned? Thomas Morris Not manned Griffith William Pugh H. G. Griffiths
1914 Henry Ellis Jones William Parkins Thomas L Piercy George Henry Yoxall unmanned Thomas Morris Not manned Griffith William Pugh / W.J. Evans H. G. Griffiths
1915 Henry Ellis Jones William Parkins Thomas L Piercy George Henry Yoxall unmanned Thomas Morris Not manned W.J. Evans H. G. Griffiths
1916 Henry Ellis Jones William Parkins Thomas L Piercy George Henry Yoxall unmanned Thomas Morris Not manned W.J. Evans /H. G. Griffiths H. G. Griffiths
1917 Henry Ellis Jones William Parkins / Daniel Silfanus Williams Thomas L Piercy George Henry Yoxall unmanned Thomas Morris Not manned Griffith William Pugh H. G. Griffiths
1918 Henry Ellis Jones Ivor Price Jones (clerk)/ Charles Jeffrey Anderson Thomas L Piercy George Henry Yoxall unmanned Thomas Morris Not manned H. G. Griffiths H. G. Griffiths
1919 Henry Ellis Jones Daniel Silfanus Williams Thomas L Piercy George Henry Yoxall/ Hugh Davies Jones unmanned Thomas Morris Not manned H. G. Griffiths H. G. Griffiths
1920 Henry Ellis Jones Daniel Silfanus Williams Thomas L Piercy Hugh Davies Jones Not known Thomas Morris Not manned H. G. Griffiths H. G. Griffiths
1921 Henry Ellis Jones Daniel Silfanus Williams Thomas L Piercy Hugh Davies Jones not known Thomas Morris  ? Not manned H. G. Griffiths H. G. Griffiths
1922 Henry Ellis Jones Daniel Silfanus Williams Thomas L Piercy Hugh Davies Jones Not Known Thomas Morris  ? / H. G. Griffiths Not manned H. G. Griffiths H. G. Griffiths / Thomas L Piercy
1923 Henry Ellis Jones Daniel Silfanus Williams Thomas L Piercy Hugh Davies Jones / J. Roberts Not known H. G. Griffiths Not manned Thomas L Piercy Thomas L Piercy
1924 Henry Ellis Jones Daniel Silfanus Williams Thomas Morris J. Roberts Not known H. G. Griffiths Not manned Thomas L Piercy Thomas L Piercy
1925 Henry Ellis Jones Daniel Silfanus Williams Thomas Morris / Lewis Jones (PiC) William Evans / Ellis Jones/ W.E. Richards/Thomas Morris /Will Jones (PiC) Not manned H. G. Griffiths (PiC) Not manned Thomas L Piercy Thomas L Piercy
1926 Henry Ellis Jones Daniel Silfanus Williams Lewis Jones (PiC) Will Jones (PiC) not manned H. G. Griffiths (PiC) Not manned Thomas L Piercy Thomas L Piercy
1927 Henry Ellis Jones Daniel Silfanus Williams /maybe Tom Rees Elfed Lewis PiC Will Jones PiC not manned J.J. Owen (PiC) / H. G. Griffiths PiC Not manned Thomas L Piercy Thomas L Piercy
1928 Henry Ellis Jones maybe Tom Rees Ellis Lewis Will Jones PiC Not manned H. G. Griffiths Not manned Thomas L Piercy Thomas L Piercy
1929 Henry Ellis Jones maybe Tom Rees Ellis Lewis Will Jones Not known H. G. Griffiths Not manned Thomas L Piercy Thomas L Piercy
1930 Henry Ellis Jones maybe Tom Rees Not known Will Jones Not known H. G. Griffiths Not manned Thomas L Piercy Thomas L Piercy
1931 Henry Ellis Jones maybe Tom Rees Not known Will Jones Not known H. G. Griffiths Not manned Thomas L Piercy Closed
1932 Henry Ellis Jones maybe Tom Rees Not known Will Jones Not Known H. G. Griffiths Not manned Thomas L Piercy Closed
1933 Henry Ellis Jones maybe Tom Rees Not known Will &/or Bessie Jones Not known H. G. Griffiths Not manned Thomas L Piercy Closed
1934 Henry Ellis Jones maybe Tom Rees Not known Will &/or Bessie Jones Not known H. G. Griffiths Not manned Thomas L Piercy Closed
1935 Henry Ellis Jones maybe Tom Rees Not known Will &/or Bessie Jones Not known H. G. Griffiths Not manned Thomas L Piercy Closed
1936 Henry Ellis Jones maybe Tom Rees Not known Will &/or Bessie Jones not known H. G. Griffiths Not manned Thomas L Piercy Closed
1937 Henry Ellis Jones maybe Tom Rees Not known Will &/or Bessie Jones not known H. G. Griffiths Not manned Thomas L Piercy Closed
1938 Henry Ellis Jones maybe Tom Rees Not known Will &/or Bessie Jones Not known H. G. Griffiths Not manned Thomas L Piercy Closed
1939 Henry Ellis Jones Tom Rees Not known Will &/or Bessie Jones Not known H. G. Griffiths redundant early 1939 Not manned Thomas L Piercy Closed

PiC indicates Porter in Charge

Henry Ellis Jones remained Station Master at Portmadoc until the railway closed in August 1946, being paid up to 10th August.