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WHR Personalities

From Festipedia, hosted by the FR Heritage Group

List of people connected with the development of the Welsh Highland, from the inception of the North Wales Narrow Gauge Railway, through the PBSSR, the Welsh Highland of 1922, and the WHR of today. Where (O) or (N) appears, this just distinguishes if he/she was connected to old company or the new era

Not all names connected with the railway are listed here. Names are constantly being added as information is published either here or in the respective heritage magazines. Therefore you may not find an Aneurin Davis, a driver in 1932 here, but you may find him in the Category:People listing

See also the pages indicated at the bottom of this page. If the name is not here then please try FR Personalities due to the interlinking of the 2 railways.

Titles, where applicable have been omitted here, but appear on relevant pages. For more specific dates, please see the individuals personal entry

Personalities, Welsh Highland Railway Company
O/N Name
(O) Aitchison, G. C.
(O) Austen, W. H.
(O) Beeching, Joseph
(N) Beton, Rick
(O) Bibby, Samuel G, Captain
Blackwell, Andrew
Bolland, T.
Bott, Arthur Francis
(N) Boyd, James I.C.
(O) Bulkeley, Sir R. William M. L. Jnr
(O) Bulkeley, Sir R. William M. L. Snr
(O) Cassells, Joseph Walker
(O) Celyn, C.
(O) Chaloner W. Chute
(O) Clark, Kenneth McKenzie
(O) Cleminson, James
(O) Davies, Evan R.
(N) Davies, Michael
(N) Davies, Philip Vaughan
Davison, Chas
de Winton J. P.
(N) Dearden, Chris
(O) Fairlie, Robert Francis
Farr, Graham
Fitzgibbon, Abraham
Foley, Martin
Fosbery, G. W.
(O) Garratt, Herbert William
(N) Goodwin, Andrew
Guiness, Richard Seymour
(N) Hanwell, Nigel
(N) Herbert, Mark
(N) Hewett, James
(N) Hewett, Jim
Hogg, Henry R.
(N) Holden, Mark
(O) Huddart, G. A.
(O) Hugh U. McKie
Humphreys, E. Noel
(O) Iggulden, J. Arthur
(O) Jack, Henry Joseph
Jones, D. O.
Kerr, John
(N) Kent, Dave
Lake, Ernest E.
Livesey, R. H.
(O) McKie, Hugh U.
McNicol Alisdair
Menzies, Bob
Menzies, John
Nee, M. E.
Oldham, Joesph
(O) Oliver, James Hewitt
(O) Pearson, C.
(O) Platt, Henry
(O) Pugh, Hugh
(O) Roberts, Hugh Beaver
(O) Russell, James C.
Samuel G, Bibby, Captain
(N) Savage, John
(N) Seale, David
(N) Seale, Lyn
(N) Seale, Mark
Sherratt, Tom
Sinclair, Richard
(O) Sir R. William M. L. Bulkeley Jnr
(O) Sir R. William M. L. Bulkeley Snr
(O) Spooner, Charles Easton
(O) Stephens, Col. Holman. F.
Stewart, Sir John Henderson
(O) Szlumper, James W.
(O) Szlumper, William W.
(O) Tanner, Samuel
(N) Thomas, Dayfdd
(O) Thompson, Livingston
(O) Turner, Sir Llewelyn
(O) Tyrwhitt, Septimus Edward
(O) Watts, Henry
(O) Westall, George

See also[edit]




North Wales Narrow Gauge Railways Directors